Exploring Floor Protocol: Unleashing the Full Potential of Your NFTs

Floor Protocol
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Everyone loves NFTs. They give holders a sense of community, hours of fun with new friends and might even provide holders with access to tools and DAOs; all whilst being packaged up in cute little pictures of furry animals usable as PFPs.

However the two things NFTs don’t afford holders are flexibility and instant liquidity. Not everyone can afford to enter a collection, no matter how much they love the art or what the project represents — until now.

Enter Floor Protocol

Floor Protocol believes that NFTs should be for everyone — not just gate-kept by the one percenters for the one percenters. Anyone passionate about an NFT collection should be able to participate in ownership of that collection regardless of whether the floor price is 1 ETH or 100 ETH.

Floor Protocol offers this unique option via fractionalization. The protocol allows users to fractionalize an NFT into 1 Million μTokens. These μTokens can then be traded as users desire. Here are some ways you can

DCA Your Way To A Bluechip

Always wanted to own a BAYC but found the entry price too intimidating? You now have the option of owning 1% of a BAYC via the purchase of μBAYC tokens without worrying about coming up with a lump sum of ETH.

Instant Liquidity On Your Terms

Bullish on Pudgys but worried about retaining liquidity for upcoming potential plays? Buy and sell μPudgy tokens at any time without concern for whether anyone will buy your penguin within the next hour while you miss the next parabolic BONK leg up. No tie-in period required.

Arbitrage Your Way To Your Next Purchase

The price of μTokens are controlled by market forces. All this means is that you now have an additional opportunity to trade your way to your next NFT. If the floor price for an NFT falls below its μTokens counterpart then you have the option of buying the NFT and selling it into the Floor Protocol Vault. You can then sell off those μTokens and viola, instant profit.

Staking Rewards for In Demand Collections

Experience the freedom to purchase NFTs at any price point — No More Waiting. The protocol allows you to stake your μTokens for any collection to earn rewards when people sell their NFTs into the protocol or redeem their NFTs from the protocol (into a place called the vault). These staked tokens earn rewards when certain conditions are met.

Create Liquidity Pairings For Your μTokens

Floor Protocol heavily incentivizes holders of μTokens to create Liquidity pairings between various μTokens pairings and ETH. Apart from LP rewards, the protocol also frequently provides additional staking incentives for users to farm. You no longer have to actively trade or try to time the market, all you have to do is create and provide LP, sit back and be rewarded for being early.

Whether your goal is to DCA into your dream NFT collection or to get instant liquidity from the NFTs your already own, the protocoloffers you a wealth of possibilities and endless ways in which you can maximize your NFT holdings.

Relive the Magic of Minting

Remember the thrill of clicking the mint button not knowing what you were going to get? With Floor Protocol, you can recreate that magic by vaulting your NFT, receiving 1M μTokens and then using those 1M μTokens to redeem a random NFT from the vault. You won’t know what you’ll get till you roll the dice.

A Journey Of A Thousand Points Starts Here

We’re just getting started with exploring how Floor protocol revolutionizes the ways in which you can interact with your NFTs.

Whether your goal is to DCA into your dream NFT collection or to get instant liquidity from the NFTs your already own, stay tuned for upcoming articles to learn more about the key features that Floor Protocol has to offer to help you maximize the value your NFT has.

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Helpful links to get started with include:








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